Sustainable landscape solutions for private house in Vilnius


Rainwater is collected in the tank under the southern terrace. When the tank is overfilled, water flows in the rain garden at the end of the yard. The road water has to overcome is a narrow terraced concrete channel, covered with river stones and plants 'islands'.

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Cemetry like a park


The idea a cemetery can be also a park came after one Lithuanian woman, living in Brussels, said she would like visiting cemetries in Lithuania would be like visiting a beautiful park.

If it is a traditional way of body disposal, to make a cemetry a park would be complicated, but quite another thing is when remains stored in urns, which occupy a relatively small space.

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Feel nature while you are in the city

high line niujorkas parkas nebenaudojamos traukiniu linijos konversija parka viesoji erdve naturalistiniai zeldiniai piet oudolf architektai james corner field operations diller scofidio renfro 10

Disused rail line in New York city conversion to the 1.6 km long park has become a symbol of phenomenon 'a poor part of the city transformation to prestigious'. A lot of residents, visitors and tourists are flowing here all year round. Since the establishment of the first park par (2009), there have been reconstructed about 30 buildings around. The 3rd rail line reconstruction phase was presented last week.

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Pasaulinė parkų kultūros paroda Kinijoje 2013


Jinzhou uostamiestyje Kinijoje 2013 metais duris atvers Pasaulinė parkų kultūros EXPO, kurioje garantuotas dėmesys bus skiriamas Lietuvai, baltų kultūrai ir kraštovaizdžio architektūrai. Tuo pasirūpino prof. Petras Grecevičius ir jo suburta kūrybinė komanda, laimėjusi


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Perennials replace annuals


Customer focused on one thing - to design the decorative grass with fluffy flowers like the main accent in the perennnial flower bed. It was eassy to guess he was talking about Pennisetum villosum which gained paticular popularity during the past several years in Lithuania.

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Praktika prof. J Hitchmough darbo grupėje, Anglija


Norint išvykti į užsienio kompaniją atlikti praktiką pagal Erasmus mainų programą, reikia savarankiškai susirasti darbdavį. Tokia yra pagrindinė sąlyga, kuri, pasak Erasmus koordinatoriaus Tomo Kniukštos, dažnai pasirodo neįveikiama. Nepaisant to, kreipiausi į vieną  man patikusią kraštovaizdžio projektavimo kompaniją iš Roderdamo Olandijoje (West 8). Taip pat parašiau Tom Stuart Smith (Anglija), James Hitchmough (Anglija), Peat Oudolf (Olandija) ir keletui kitų.

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